East Road, Northallerton
North Yorkshire, DL6 1SZ
01609 710443 or 07764 960034
Careers Guidance & Work Experience
At The Sunbeck Centre, we are proud of our flexible, impartial and individualised approach to careers learning, wholly embracing The Baker Clause. Unlike a mainstream school or college, the majority of our students are not going to experience all of our programme during their time at the centre. For some, their contact time with the centre can be as little as six weeks; for most it is around four to six months. This means that our provision is designed to be a rolling programme of curriculum learning, visits and personalised experiences based around the learning outcomes of the Career Development Institute's framework.
This has been found to be the most effective way of running careers provision in the school to allow for the greatest amount of careers experiences and learning to take place in a short amount of time.
Our offer is fully personalised, tapping into the interests and strengths of each student and we adapt the programme to meet the needs of our students at every possible opportunity. For further information about our Careers Programme, please contact our Careers & Guidance Manager, Mrs Drwiega.
View our Careers Policy
View our Careers Entitlement Statement
Work Experience
All of our students in Key Stage 4 (Y10 & Y11) have the opportunity to undertake extended work experience placements. These are supported by local employers, who work with our students to provide them with a beneficial encounter with the world of work.