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Interventions for Schools

Young people who are at risk of exclusion can access support from The Sunbeck Centre as a North Yorkshire AP. Places can be sought via referral through the Local Area Inclusion Panel.


This support is tailored to meet the needs of the individual young person and will include assessment, intervention and support and guidance on reintegration back to mainstream school.

We are able to offer a range of accredited qualifications complimented by expertise in supporting social, emotional and mental health needs to reengage young people in learning.

Whilst a young person is in attendance at The Sunbeck Centre their school will:

  • Maintain on-going contact with the AP and pupil, with clear procedures in place to exchange information, monitor progress and plan for reintegration.

  • Maintain the young person on the school roll

  • Agree the curriculum and interventions the young person will access whilst at The Sunbeck Centre

  • Monitor attendance and work in partnership to address any issues

  • Remain ‘open’ to a return to mainstream school for all children referred

  • Ensure young people are supported at transition points

  • Commission suitable and cost effective transport for the young person (LA contribution available)

  • Make a contribution to the placement cost of £26 per day

Click below to view our full prospectus

Sunbeck Prospectus.JPG
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