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Management Committee

At The Sunbeck Centre we have a Management Committee which acts as the governing body of our school. The Management Committee meet, in full, six times per academic year to consider all business. Specific committees are set up on an ad-hoc basis when required.


Our Management Committee members work very hard to ensure that the school runs efficiently, spends its resources wisely, ensures that children are safe and that they are receiving the very best education. It also ensures that the staff and Headteacher are both supported and challenged in order that they provide the very best support for the pupils and parents of The Sunbeck Centre.

Should you wish to view minutes recorded during Management Committee meetings please call the Main Office on 01609 710443.

Mrs Sarah Morrison_edited.jpg

Mrs S Morrison


Date of Appointment: 01/09/2024

Term of Office Ends: N/A


Register of Interests: Nil

Positions Held: Headteacher


Mr T Kelly

Chair of Management Committee

Date of Appointment: 23/11/2020

Term of Office Ends: 23/11/2024

Attendance: 100%

Register of Interests: Head of Bedale School

Positions Held: Chair


Mrs S Drwiega

Staff Governor

Date of Appointment: 18/01/2021

Term of Office Ends: 18/01/2025

Attendance: 75%

Register of Interests: Nil

Positions Held: Nil


Emma Dunwoodie

Co-opted Governor

Date of Appointment: 18/04/2024

Term of Office Ends: 17/04/2028

Attendance: 100%

Register of Interests: Nil

Positions Held: Nil


Paul Lightfoot

Co-opted Governor

Date of Appointment: 23/11/2020

Term of Office Ends: 23/11/2024

Attendance: 75%

Register of Interests: Nil

Positions Held: Health & Safety Link


Parent Governor

Date of Appointment: 

Term of Office Ends: 


Register of Interests: 

Positions Held: 


Ian Lane

Local Authority Governor

Date of Appointment: 28/11/2022

Term of Office Ends: 27/11/2026

Attendance: No data

Register of Interests: Thirsk School Employee

Positions Held: Nil


Paul Sims

Co-opted Governor

Date of Appointment: 23/11/2020

Term of Office Ends: 23/11/2024

Attendance: 100%

Register of Interests: Nil

Positions Held: Vice Chair/SEND Link


Emma Lambden

Co-opted Governor

Date of Appointment: 23/11/2020

Term of Office Ends: 23/11/2024

Attendance: 75%

Register of Interests: Head of Thirsk School

Positions Held: Safeguarding Link


Penny Fenton

Local Authority Clerk

Date of Appointment: N/A

Term of Office Ends: N/A


Register of Interests: Nil

Positions Held: Clerk to the MC

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