East Road, Northallerton
North Yorkshire, DL6 1SZ
01609 710443 or 07764 960034
Our Vision
Statement of Ethos and Values
The Sunbeck Centre aims to provide a supportive, consistent environment which promotes positive well-being, positive attitudes to education and academic progress, whilst developing Pride, Respect & Safety.
The Sunbeck Centre strives to secure a students’ successful reintegration into an appropriate educational provision, and equip them with the skills to achieve in their future.
“Challenging the past, embracing the future”
The culture of our setting is based on the principles of pride, respect and safety. We aim to work together and celebrate our diversity within our centre and the community.
We are committed to providing a service to our pupils who are recognised as the most important group within the school community. Staff demonstrate due consideration and respect for pupils.
When dealing with difficult situations, we seek to resolve problems by mediation, respecting the feelings of all involved. We aim to be a provision that enables young people and staff to reach their potential and develop into successful individuals.
Our core values:

You all gave me a second chance and if it wasn't for you, I wouldn't have got where I am today.
Thank you.

Thank you for your patience, kindness and understanding for J. Excellent school and excellent staff!

MS W, 2019
You are all amazing - we need more teachers like all of you. We won't forget the help you gave S.