East Road, Northallerton
North Yorkshire, DL6 1SZ
01609 710443 or 07764 960034
No one is born a great cook, one learns by doing – Julia Child .
Curriculum Intent
In catering I want to prepare students with the skills and knowledge for the world outside the classroom, enabling them to experience life to the full, both in the world of work and leisure for their future.
As part of their work with food, students will be taught how to cook and apply the principles of nutrition and healthy eating. Instilling a love of cooking that will open the door to one of the great expressions of human creativity. Learning how to cook being a crucial life skill that enables students to feed themselves and others affordably and well, now and in later life
The curriculum is designed to be creative, progressive and to give all students of whatever ability the opportunity to master a range of skills and knowledge through perseverance and to feel safe and confident in their learning environment to take risks and learn from mistakes.
In Key Stage 4 we offer Pearson Edexcel qualifications, both BTEC L1 Introduction to Hospitality and tourism and L1/L2 Home Cooking Skills. The Home Cooking Skills qualification is a fun and practical course which helps our students develop the knowledge and essential skills required to cook simple, nutritious and affordable food at home.
The L1 Introduction to Hospitality and tourism, which is a Skills-based qualification, designed to help learners develop the personal and social skills needed to help them to progress to independent living, future employment or further vocational study.